
Passion Clarifies theOpportunity

In the past few weeks, we have looked at Nehemiah, his current position as a Jew serving in thecourt of the Persian king Artaxerxes, and how the Lord moved Nehemiah to request of the king aleave of absence from his post to rebuild the desolate city of Jerusalem. God...

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Integrity ChurchVolunteer Focus: Debbie Gilmore

Over the many years that the Lord has grown and shaped Integrity Church, and the ministry here, Hehas blessed us with gracious and gifted volunteers. On occasion we want to celebrate them byhighlighting some of these volunteers and how God has used them. This week we...

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When a Burden Becomes a Passion

In the past couple of weeks, we have looked at what got Nehemiah started on a prettyamazing journey that would change and then redefine an already significant life. You see –Nehemiah, when we meet him in 445 B.C., had already been living a productive life. He...

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When God Turns an Obstacle into a Burden

Last week we began a look at Nehemiah and how his story in the Old Testament began. As welook ahead to our summer series, CLEAR: A Chronicle of Nehemiah, we noted in last week’sarticle that God often plants the beginning of vision in our lives through an OBSTACLE that...

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What is Youth Working For Youth?

What is this program?Youth Working For Youth is a program that is designed to help parents financially ensuretheir student will be able to attend various events that Integrity Student Ministry is a partof. The program will also help members of Integrity Church to do...

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Is Your Life Vision CLEAR?

God intends for your life to be lived with Vision – a vision for a future that speaks to what Hewants you to accomplish. Vision is the driver for your life plan, which we help you to ascertain inour STEPS classes here in Integrity Church. In July, we begin our summer...

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The Contrarian Way of Jesus Pt 1

In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor Ray made a very provocative point. He noted that“Jesus calls us not just to be different from the world, but often to do the exactOPPOSITE from what the world endorses and does.” This is a key point as itrelates to families. The...

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Goin Crabbin’ Pt. 2

You remember my story (last week’s edition of Integrity Insights) about catchingcrabs while on a family vacation this summer, don’t ya’? (Click here to read last week'sstory)What really excited me about that evening was howeveryone fell into a role and functioned as a...

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Catchin’ Crabs

I knew it would ‘getcha’ – the title, that is. It’s not quite what you think it is, but it got youto read so far!Alright, many of you might be tired of the stories from our family vacations from over theyears. But warm weather is here! It’s time to look forward to...

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