Why Church? Why Integrity Church?

complete step 1 class by watching the video below

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Class downloads

Download the complete STEPS booklet in PDF format and use it to follow along through the class


Class links

Click the + sign beside the sections below to access the link to the assessments discussed in class. 


We will provide the link for the Strength-Finders Assessment –

Send your email address to for a link to the assessment.

Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI)

Go to and take the assessment. Print the resulting report and save it. Then read through the report thoughtfully, focusing on what you agree with and don’t agree with, concerning your personality. Think about what you like about your type, and what you don’t necessarily like. List any adjustments you feel you may need to make.

Integrity Membership Covenant

Send an email to or to sign the membership covenant.