We find our significance in knowing that Jesus is the same…..
Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (NKJV)
I remember back in the 1960s & 1970s when oftentimes people would remark, “I’m trying to find myself.” I don’t ever remember saying that about myself, but I heard from many others who used that term quite often. Looking back, I see what they were looking for. Satan is the author of confusion, and his great joy is to confound the masses of unbelievers and even believers into thinking that there was a “self” missing that needed in fact to be found. Every time you were about to find yourself, Satan or his demons would slip another confusing piece of the puzzle in front of you changing you from almost finding yourself, to, where in the world did myself go. I thought I almost had it.
From the Word of God, Jesus never said, “I need to find myself.” His anchor was the Father. Our anchor should be the same. We should conform to the image of Christ so much so, that others clearly see Jesus in us. They may not recognize Him right away, but as they watch us closely our testimony should reveal the holiness of Christ. They should see no deviation in our daily spiritual activities. We should never be boring. Jesus wasn’t boring, neither should we be. Jesus never changes. We find Him incredibly reliable in all things. In Christ we experience stability and grace, along with patience and mercy. Jesus truly is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” We can be too. Our personal testimony depends upon it.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, show me the way to experience Jesus in a manner consistent with the desires of your heart that I may follow you more closely. Help me to display that You are the anchor that truly holds me fast in the midst of any storm. I find You truly faithful. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Have a GREAT Day!!!
In Christ,
Ted Wilkins
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