We find our significance in taking that step moving us closer to God….
Psalm 73: 28 But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all your works. (NKJV)
When I have work, church, or family decisions to make or verses of scripture to study in preparation for a message, Bible Study or a devotional, I sense great pleasure in the first part of today’s verse especially. I don’t like to move forward in any facet of my life without first making sure that I have drawn near to God. When I get ready to write, be it an essay, devotional or otherwise, (even a technical paper), I pursue the second part of this verse and place my trust in the Lord as I proceed. In the finished product I incorporate the last part of this verse and declare His mighty works in a way that reflects Him. Sometimes that may be difficult, but God shows up even in a technical paper in the way it was written.
As we make God most important in our lives through reading devotionals, listening to a sermon from Bud, Ray or Scott or some other favorite speaker but most important reading His Word, He will draw us nearer to Himself. God is not standoffish nor shy. He is always pursuing you. He enjoys the relationship we are trying to build, and He will answer that by drawing you closer to Him as you seek Him Where you may find Him (Jeremiah 29: 10-13).
When I draw near to God, I sense His closeness and guidance as I perform any task He has placed before me. I sense His presence and reflect His great Love proclaiming His great works throughout any chosen day. I seek absolute trust in Him every day, for He alone is worthy. Interesting, at first, I didn’t realize what was happening. But the more I sought Him daily the more I realized His presence was always there. It was me that as He was conforming to His image (Romans 12:2). No, I’m not there yet but the journey is so worth it.
I challenge you to come before God and draw near to Him in prayer before you set to tackle the events of any and every day before you, and simply trust Him for the outcome. As your day progresses, and you witness God moving in your life you too will want to declare all His works.
Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, Help me to consciously draw near to you as I start each and every day that I may fully trust You for the outcome. And help me to always remember to give You praise and glory in all that is done in my life to edify You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Have a GREAT Day!!!
In Christ,
Ted Wilkins
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