We find our significance in knowing we are committed to Christ

Proverbs 16: 3 Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.  (NKJV)

This verse shows the depth of the term “Commitment”. Being fully committed to God in all things does not make us a robot or a puppet on a string. Not at all. Commitment also does not only refer to Pastors and leaders of the church. It includes them. 

Our commitment to God is a departure from the things of the world and a focused and renewed heart for the things above. It’s not the new car, nor the new home your neighbor may have. Oh no. It’s much more than that. Commitment to God is represented more often by the term “SOLD OUT”. The things of this world don’t have the same value they once did. The things above take on a whole new meaning. The lives of our families are now our greatest concern. Are they saved? Will they be in heaven with me? Are they seeking Christ?  Am I or have I ever been the example I needed to be? It’s time to correct our course. 

Through the Holy Spirit God implants in our hearts and minds the things that make us who we are in Christ.  It’s up to us to accept that and move forward with our compass set toward God’s goals for us as believers.

It’s time to turn to Him today.  He has all the answers for what you are going through.  Seek Him where He may be found………His Holy Word.

Prayer:  Dear Father in Heaven, guide me to your sanctuary, in the place where You are revealed.  Help me to have the level of commitment you intend for me. Guide me into becoming Christlike so that I may touch the lives of those around me. Establish my thoughts in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Have a GREAT Day!!!

In Christ,

Ted Wilkins