On Local Impact Day, the church body got together to serve others in the local
community at various organizations. In scripture, Jesus commands us to feed those who are
hungry, clothe those that are naked, and care for those who are sick (Matthew 25:35-36).
On Saturday, April 20th, Integrity Church had the privilege of living that verse out in the
local community. The organizations we served on the 20th were, City Gate Dream Center,
Burlington Homes, and Fostering Hope. At City Gate Dream Center, volunteers sorted
through donations, organized, and cleaned around the campus. Integrity Church volunteers
were able to renovate Burlington Homes’ raised flower beds and spruce up their campus.
Fostering Hope needed help sorting through donations, organizing, labeling, and taking
inventory. It was a day full of fun times, hard work, and glorifying God!
Integrity would like to thank all those who participated in our Local Impact Day. We
appreciate you, your hard work, and your willingness to serve. If you did not get to
participate be on the look out for our next one later this year!