Our volunteer spotlight this month goes to Brian Compton. Brian is a retired California
Highway Patrolman. He and his wife Kristine moved to the area from California, and joined
Integrity a couple years ago. Brian immediately jumped in and began serving the
church in a myriad of capacities. Brian has a wealth of experience running live sound,
photography, videography, and has become a vital member of the Integrity media team.
Brian has used his knowledge and passion for live sound in helping us shape and refine our
musical worship experiences on Sunday morning. He orchestrated and provided all the
audio equipment for the Integrity Latin Fest this past month. He also is an accomplished
musician playing a range of instruments from the tenor sax to the cimbalom.

But Brian does not stop at just what he is passionate about. He will jump in and serve
any event, person, or need that we have at any time. He has a true servant’s heart. He loves
people, and loves to serve others. He has cooked for the men’s conference, helps to
build or repair things that the church or other members need, provides fresh eggs from his
chicken farm, and so many other little things it would be impossible to list them all. If there is
something going on at Integrity, Brian will be there looking to serve.

He is also an active member of the men’s Tuesday night Bible study at Bob Chatham’s
house. Thank you Brian for all that you do to serve our church!