Steve Clapp first came to Integrity Church in 2011. After a time away, he rejoined our
community a few years ago with his new bride, Jennifer, whom he married in 2015.
Having previously attended Scott Ingram’s ten-year church, Steve and Jennifer’s return to
Integrity was a blessing that immediately enriched our church family with their talents and
fun-loving personalities.

Steve retired from a long and successful career as a Quality Auditor at General Dynamics
and now enjoys spending much of his free time fishing on ponds and lakes—one of his
greatest passions. He’s also the owner and operator of a local home furnishing store, where
his personal and professional skills have greatly benefited many in our church family.
Steve and Jennifer have been a tremendous gift to Integrity. One of the most inspiring
aspects of their journey has been their unwavering faith and courage as they walked
through Jennifer’s breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and eventual healing with courage
and deep trust in Jesus. Steve’s consistent care for Jennifer during this challenging season
was a beautiful reflection of Christ’s love for His bride, the church.

In addition to their spiritual impact, Steve’s talent as a “Mr. Fix-it” has been a huge benefit
to our church property. Whether it’s moving Mission House Café’s coffee cart, redoing the
parking lot lines, repainting the iKidz Bay, or tackling any other task, Steve’s skill and
dedication ensure everything is completed to the highest standard. He faithfully attends
midweek gatherings and participates annually in our golf tournament for Missions, further
demonstrating his heart for service and fellowship.

Steve and Jennifer have truly become an integral part of our community, and we are deeply
grateful for the many ways they have blessed Integrity Church. Steve will always be a
high energy kind of guy with a quick and sincere smile that will brighten your day no
matter what!