Every man…every Christian man is in a battle against the soul. If we are to be a disciple
and make disciples, the goal of the enemy is to keep us from doing that!
Satan wants to keep you from starting the Bible study at work, keep you from loving your
spouse and kids the way God intends you to love them, and he wants to keep you defeated,
depressed, and discouraged. That is Satan’s ultimate goal.
Every one of us should recognize we are being hunted. No matter how good of a Christian
you are, how long you have been saved; married, single, or divorced-you are being hunted!
But Satan cannot kill you, only God holds the keys to life and death, but Satan sure can
make your life a living hell.

We need a plan to combat this…We need a Biblical plan to combat this!
Here are 5 points about the hunt:

  1. Confront the hunt
    We need to accept the fact that we are being hunted-daily! We can try and turn a blind eye
    or a deaf ear but the fact still remains-we are being hunted! Jesus said in John 10:10, “The
    thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and
    have it to the full.” There are two key things in this verse:
    “The thief comes…”- the thief is active and constant. He is in persistent pursuit of
    your soul.
    “I have come…”- Jesus already came to give life-through His death and
    resurrection! Jesus has already won the battle and the war!
    2.You live outside the perimeter of protection!
    Sin is most likely to come into the church now more than ever before. We must be aware
    that the perimeter of protection is constantly shrinking around us because of sin. The
    church is not immune to sin. Peter understood that we must be aware of this all throughout
    first and second Peter. 1 Peter 1:13- “prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit.” 1
    Peter 4:1- “arm yourselves.” 2 Peter 3:17- “be on guard.
  2. 3.The power of obsession
    “The thief comes only…” John 10:10. The devil has no other agenda. He is concerned with
    ONLY one thing, BRINGING YOU DOWN. He is obsessed and because he’s obsessed, he
    is talented. He is the master at ruining a man’s legacy. He has been bringing man down
    since the Garden of Eden, and he will continue to do it until he is thrown into the lake of
  3. Every good thief is both patient and intent
    Satan is patient. He will take years to dismantle you, he takes his time to ensure that you,
    your family, your job, your emotions, your spiritual life is destroyed-fully! Satan is often
    subtle in his attacks. A good thief has patience in plotting out his crime. He will do his
    research and plan his attack. He knows all the ends and outs. Satan does not attack when
    you are at your strongest. He attacks when you are at your weakest, when it has been a
    while since you prayed, studied the Bible, or came to church. It is like being pecked to
    death by a chicken.
  4. It is critical to know why you are a wanted man
    If you are a Christian-you are branded!
    You bear the image of Christ “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of
    the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to
    another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18. You are
    everything Satan can never be. For this reason alone, you are hated and hunted.
    You are the link to other people he can harm. Romans 6 tells us that we are either a
    tool of righteousness or wickedness, when we sin, it has consequences that most
    often affect others around us. When we fall, we often take others with us.
    Count the cost. Is this decision worth it in the long term?It is critical to know why you are a wanted man
    If you are a Christian-you are branded!
    You bear the image of Christ “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of
    the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to
    another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18. You are
    everything Satan can never be. For this reason alone, you are hated and hunted.
    You are the link to other people he can harm. Romans 6 tells us that we are either a
    tool of righteousness or wickedness, when we sin, it has consequences that most
    often affect others around us. When we fall, we often take others with us.
    Count the cost. Is this decision worth it in the long term?
    Every Christian is in a battle. We must remember to confront the hunt. We have to be
    aware that we live outside the perimeter of protection. That Satan is not only obsessed with
    bringing us down, but also patiently and intently waiting for us to misstep. And finally, we
    must understand why we are wanted by Satan